Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Opportunities and Clues

I was reminded tonight by brother Warren Johnson, that it had been some time since my last hint at the various codes.  He is partially correct.  I did say that I would post clues monthly and will do so here.  Since the last significant posting of clues in January, there have been several posts with clues.  Some of these have been obvious and some have been hidden.

Before I get to the clues, however, I want to share an opportunity.  There will be a membership seminar at the St. Paul Masonic Center on Plato Blvd.  Now, those attending were supposed to respond to the Grand Secretary that they were going to be coming.  This is most likely to plan for food.  I plan to go myself to deliver a few invitations and hang around for the presentation.  I missed the boat on the response so I'll probably bring a lunch just in case.  The opportunity I mentioned is that there is a high probability that you could get 4 out of the 5 required tokens and pictures for the scavenger hunt.  No one is going to kick you out for coming to meet a few new brothers and have your picture taken with them.  I'll see you there hunters!

Now onto the clues.  Hopefully the pieces are starting to come together.

Fraternity   Wise   Symbol   ft^3   Geometry


Joe Viavattine

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Code-2 Has Been Cracked

One of our newest brothers, Matt Nohr, has cracked the second code.  Great job!

I've just realized that second code is related to the second degree.  It's perhaps my favorite part of the degree, but it's not a lecture.  I'm not sure if that's because something was working in the subconscious or just coincidence.

Joe Viavattine

Friday, February 11, 2011

Code 5 Has Been Solved

Brother Warren Johnson has cracked Code 5.  That's two down.  If you're still stuck on solving the codes, keep checking the blog for updates and clues.

Brother Warren mentioned that he learned something about Masonry in the process.  I wonder, as he is the Junior Warden, if he has learned his lines for the second degree yet?  ...hung near a water-ford...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Masonic Education - Aprons

Masonic Education by Ed Halpaus - Masonic Aprons

I watched this You Tube video by Ed Halpaus, the Grand Lodge Education Officer, and found it interesting.  I would recommend it especially to our newer members.  I found it digging around the Grand Lodge website for educational items.  I have discovered, in the few times I visited the education part of the site, that there is much more waiting there to be heard, seen, and read (not felt).  Let's get through the First Degree before we start talking about advanced Second Degree items.

Joe Viavattine
WM Garnet Lodge #166