Monday, April 4, 2011

Revised Garnet Website

The Garnet Lodge website has been revised.  It now includes a blog.  All previous blog entries have been copied over to the new site.  You can find your new clues for the scavenger hunt there.

Joe Viavattine

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Opportunities and Clues

I was reminded tonight by brother Warren Johnson, that it had been some time since my last hint at the various codes.  He is partially correct.  I did say that I would post clues monthly and will do so here.  Since the last significant posting of clues in January, there have been several posts with clues.  Some of these have been obvious and some have been hidden.

Before I get to the clues, however, I want to share an opportunity.  There will be a membership seminar at the St. Paul Masonic Center on Plato Blvd.  Now, those attending were supposed to respond to the Grand Secretary that they were going to be coming.  This is most likely to plan for food.  I plan to go myself to deliver a few invitations and hang around for the presentation.  I missed the boat on the response so I'll probably bring a lunch just in case.  The opportunity I mentioned is that there is a high probability that you could get 4 out of the 5 required tokens and pictures for the scavenger hunt.  No one is going to kick you out for coming to meet a few new brothers and have your picture taken with them.  I'll see you there hunters!

Now onto the clues.  Hopefully the pieces are starting to come together.

Fraternity   Wise   Symbol   ft^3   Geometry


Joe Viavattine

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Code-2 Has Been Cracked

One of our newest brothers, Matt Nohr, has cracked the second code.  Great job!

I've just realized that second code is related to the second degree.  It's perhaps my favorite part of the degree, but it's not a lecture.  I'm not sure if that's because something was working in the subconscious or just coincidence.

Joe Viavattine

Friday, February 11, 2011

Code 5 Has Been Solved

Brother Warren Johnson has cracked Code 5.  That's two down.  If you're still stuck on solving the codes, keep checking the blog for updates and clues.

Brother Warren mentioned that he learned something about Masonry in the process.  I wonder, as he is the Junior Warden, if he has learned his lines for the second degree yet?  ...hung near a water-ford...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Masonic Education - Aprons

Masonic Education by Ed Halpaus - Masonic Aprons

I watched this You Tube video by Ed Halpaus, the Grand Lodge Education Officer, and found it interesting.  I would recommend it especially to our newer members.  I found it digging around the Grand Lodge website for educational items.  I have discovered, in the few times I visited the education part of the site, that there is much more waiting there to be heard, seen, and read (not felt).  Let's get through the First Degree before we start talking about advanced Second Degree items.

Joe Viavattine
WM Garnet Lodge #166

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Code Clues

The following are three clues for three of the five codes.  They are not necessarily in any particular order.



Sanctum Sanctorum

Friday, January 21, 2011

Coin Design Completed

Here is an initial look at the commemorative coins.  I'm sure that they'll look so much better in hand.  As a reminder, the copper coins will be serialized and awarded to those who are the first to solve the codes that are apart of the scavenger hunt.  The gold coins are serialized 1 through 10 and will be awarded to those who are the first to complete the scavenger hunt.  The silver coins will be given out to all masons who buy a ticket for the 125th anniversary.  They may also be purchased.

Updated with white background on the MN state.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You can search the Garnet blog by typing a keyword into the search box.  This will bring up all posts with those words.  You can also use the blog archive on the right hand panel about halfway down.  Clicking on one of the triangles will show more posts for that month.

CODE-1 has been cracked

CODE-1 has been cracked by at least two brothers.  Their entries were only a few hours apart.  Make sure you get those time sensitive items emailed as soon as you can.

Congratulations Rich Wogensen on being the first to solve CODE-1.  Periodic clues will still be coming to help others solve this and the other codes.

St. John's #1 Courtesy 3rd Degree

St. John's Lodge #1 was kind enough to extend an offer to have Talon Beck go through their 3rd degree.  It is an old building in the heart of downtown Stillwater and it has a lot of character.  Most notably perhaps, certainly the most talked about, is the number of steps one needs to climb to get to the top floor.  Apparently, there are more steps if you go out the back door (55?) than the front.  I'm guessing that the members count the very last step before the sidewalk even though it's only a half inch tall because it sounds more impressive.

It was nice to sit back and enjoy the second section of the degree in a lodge room that was nearly packed.  Everyone did a great job.  It was interesting to see the differences in "acting" from what I'm use to seeing.

I know that there were a few pictures taken by some Garnet Brothers.  I'll have to add them later if they get emailed to me.

Job's Daughters Bethel 76 Installation

Last Friday Kandace Ness, daughter of Gary Ness of Garnet Lodge, and Bethel 76's elected and appointed officers were installed at a well attended installation.  There were representations from Garnet Lodge, DeMolay, and Eastern Star as well as family and friends.

From my conversations with the members of Garnet in attendance, it was apparent that they were there for the installation.  However, with a reminder from me about the scavenger hunt, they did collect on of the items.

Their picture with the new Honored Queen is below.  I should have taken a picture of all the food and desserts.  I think that I gained 10 pounds that night.  Thanks to everyone who provided the food.  It was very good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Installation of 2011 Officers

Installation of the 2011 officers went very well.  I was extremely pleased with the turnout of family and guests as well as brothers from Garnet and the Grand Lodge at this open installation.  We were one position short of repeating last years rare installation of having all officers present.  I look forward to installing the last brother on Monday at the stated meeting.

I'd like to express my appreciation to the Past Masters of Garnet Lodge who conducted our installation.  I have received many positive comments.  The installing officers were Ken Arehart (Master), Fred Herring (Marshal), Don Grossman (Secretary), and Ed Witter (Chaplin).

I initially thought that the full sheet cake was too much, but I later wondered if White Bear Lake was the next Edina...a bunch of "cake eaters".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

CODE 5 is Coming

Code 5 just needs to be encrypted.  Let me know if you are trying to solve the codes.  If I find that several people are struggling with them, I will start to post clues.  Clues earlier in the year will be more vague than those later in the year.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

CODE-4 for Masonic Scavenger Hunt

CODE-3 for Masonic Scavenger Hunt

Note that this code changed from its original posting.  The original is below.  Feel free to solve both.  The one above will be used for the hunt.

CODE-2 for Masonic Scavenger Hunt

CODE-1 for Masonic Scavenger Hunt

2011 Garnet Lodge Masonic Scavenger Hunt Rules

Likely every member of the lodge had done a scavenger hunt at one time or another.  This hunt will be similar.  This hunt is being held to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Garnet Lodge #166.  There will be prizes to help you remember this year.  These will be in the form of serialized coins.  There will also be a $125 prize to the individual that is the first to fully complete the hunt.

There are three types of items that you need to find.  They are Tokens, Programs, and Codes with five items in each for a total of 15 items in the hunt.

Timing of the hunt:
The hunt is on now and continues until 2011 comes to a close.

$125:  You must be the first to find and turn in all 15 items.
Gold serialized commemorative coins:  10 coins with serial numbers 1-10 will be given out in order of those who complete at least 12 of the 15 items in the hunt.  A minimum of 3 are needed from each group (tokens, programs, codes).
Copper serialized commemorative coins:  5 coins with serial numbers CODE-1 through CODE-5 will be given out to the individual who first solves each code.
Mystery prize:  For participating and handing in some of the items in the hunt.

Tokens (are handshakes):  You need to get a handshake and have your picture taken with them.  The individuals are:
1. Worshipful Master of Garnet Lodge
2. Grand Master
3. The Worshipful Master of another lodge
4. The Worshipful Master of a lodge that is greater than 100 miles from your home.
5. A Grand Lodge line officer.

Pictures can be emailed to or sent to me at the following address:
394 Tessier Cir.
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

Timing may become more important as members start to finish up the hunt or are the first to turn in codes.  The time on an email received at the above address will be one form of time stamp.  Letters received in the US mail will be assumed to be received at 4 PM on the date post marked on the letter.  Make sure I sign anything received in person and record the date and time.  Please include some information about who the picture is with when it is perhaps not obvious.

1. A program from the First Degree put on at Garnet Lodge.  It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
2. A program from the Second Degree put on at Garnet Lodge.  It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
3. A program from the Third Degree put on at Garnet Lodge.  It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
4. A program from any degree put on at another lodge.  It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
5. A program from a Job's Daughters' installation or degree.  It must be signed by the Honored Queen.  You also need to have your picture taken with the Honored Queen.

Programs can be mailed or scanned and emailed to the addresses above.

Five encrypted codes will be published in their own posts.  The plaintext (deciphered text) and the answer to the question (if applicable) is needed.  Again, based on the time received, the first person to decipher the code will receive a serialized copper coin.

Watch this blog for hints throughout the year.  This hunt is open to all Garnet Lodge members who are in good standing.  New members raised this year can start the hunt after they are raised.  This blog can be searched and "hunt" will be a useful keyword.  You can also look in the archive at the right for previous posts.

Enjoy the hunt!

All decisions of the Master are final.  Yada yada yada.