Likely every member of the lodge had done a scavenger hunt at one time or another. This hunt will be similar. This hunt is being held to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Garnet Lodge #166. There will be prizes to help you remember this year. These will be in the form of serialized coins. There will also be a $125 prize to the individual that is the first to fully complete the hunt.
There are three types of items that you need to find. They are
Programs, and
Codes with five items in each for a total of 15 items in the hunt.
Timing of the hunt:
The hunt is on now and continues until 2011 comes to a close.
$125: You must be the first to find and turn in all 15 items.
Gold serialized commemorative coins: 10 coins with serial numbers 1-10 will be given out in order of those who complete at least 12 of the 15 items in the hunt. A minimum of 3 are needed from each group (tokens, programs, codes).
Copper serialized commemorative coins: 5 coins with serial numbers CODE-1 through CODE-5 will be given out to the individual who first solves each code.
Mystery prize: For participating and handing in some of the items in the hunt.
Tokens (are handshakes): You need to get a handshake and have your picture taken with them. The individuals are:
1. Worshipful Master of Garnet Lodge
2. Grand Master
3. The Worshipful Master of another lodge
4. The Worshipful Master of a lodge that is greater than 100 miles from your home.
5. A Grand Lodge line officer.
Pictures can be emailed to or sent to me at the following address:
394 Tessier Cir.
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Timing may become more important as members start to finish up the hunt or are the first to turn in codes. The time on an email received at the above address will be one form of time stamp. Letters received in the US mail will be assumed to be received at 4 PM on the date post marked on the letter. Make sure I sign anything received in person and record the date and time. Please include some information about who the picture is with when it is perhaps not obvious.
1. A program from the First Degree put on at Garnet Lodge. It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
2. A program from the Second Degree put on at Garnet Lodge. It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
3. A program from the Third Degree put on at Garnet Lodge. It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
4. A program from any degree put on at another lodge. It must be signed by the Master of that degree.
5. A program from a Job's Daughters' installation or degree. It must be signed by the Honored Queen. You also need to have your picture taken with the Honored Queen.
Programs can be mailed or scanned and emailed to the addresses above.
Five encrypted codes will be published in their own posts. The plaintext (deciphered text) and the answer to the question (if applicable) is needed. Again, based on the time received, the first person to decipher the code will receive a serialized copper coin.
Watch this blog for hints throughout the year. This hunt is open to all Garnet Lodge members who are in good standing. New members raised this year can start the hunt after they are raised. This blog can be searched and "hunt" will be a useful keyword. You can also look in the archive at the right for previous posts.
Enjoy the hunt!
All decisions of the Master are final. Yada yada yada.